About me

  • Baidu. Senior Algorithm Engineer, Jun. 2021 - Present

  • Email: sa517301@mail.ustc.edu.cn

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Related Projects

  • Autotools A Python pacakage that contains automation tools.
  • NMTP Novel Molecular Toxicity Prediction.
  • ESW Feedback Prize - Evaluating Student Writing.
  • Mult-Dialog 2nd, BAAI-JD Multimodal Dialog Challenge.

Recent Posts all posts

SELF-INSTRUCT: Aligning Language Model with Self Generated Instructions
posted in NLP
Creating folds properly
posted in NLP
Longformer BigBird
posted in NLP
Mapping chars and words to tokens
posted in NLP
Feedback prize evaluating student writing
posted in NLP
Tokenizer offerset mapping
posted in NLP
Data EDA
posted in NLP
Bert as Service
posted in NLP
Cross Entropy
posted in NLP
NLP Unicode Tokenizer Mapping
posted in NLP